Monday, April 18, 2011

Hose Reels and Hoses

One of my greatest frustrations in watering the garden was storing the hose on one of those side-of-the-house holders that you had to manually wrap. Talk about exhausting. Now, I have a really nice hose reel that I can move around and it makes storing, unrolling and rolling back up a breeze. Any avid gardener should make sure they buy a quality hose and a sturdy hose reel to make watering the garden a pleasure instead of a chore.

Hose Reels and Hoses

Cold Frame – Mini Greenhouse Cold Frames

Year round gardening is not only possible, it's easy! Have fresh veggies even in winter with a simple cold frame. Grow lettuce, greens, radishes, turnips and more - cold weather veggies don't mind the cold, but they usually don't handle frost. A cold frame allows you to grow while warming your plants in cold weather and keeping the frost off tender leaves. Buy or build a cold frame and start growing earlier in the Spring and all winter long!

Cold Frame – Mini Greenhouse Cold Frames

Fly Control for the Outdoors and Barns

We have had a huge horn fly problem in our barn and on our steer. The cattle will literally have a saddle of flies on their back and more down their legs and on their belly. We came up with some fantastic organic solutions to controlling these horrible biting flies (I got bit once and it was worse than a bee sting!). If fly control is a problem on your farm, or even around the house outdoors, check out these options for fly catchers, fly traps and other pesticide free methods of eliminating (or at least lessening) the population of flies around your home and barn.
Fly Trap Fly Control Fly Catcher

Friday, April 15, 2011

Well Water Quality

Well Water Quality

Quality well water is something I desperately want for our farm. We do have a well, but the submersible pump broke, and we don't have a manual well water pump. Also, when it was working, the water was tainted with iron and iron-eating bacteria. Harmless except it turned everything orange. If we do get it up and running again soon, I want to install a manual well pump in addition to the electrical well pump and we'll have to put a filter on it so it doesn't turn all of my organic vegetables orange!

Well Water Pump

Sugar Snap Peas and Snow Peas

Sugar Snap Peas and Snow Peas

Growing Sugar Snap Peas is one of my absolute favorite early Springtime "chores". They are easy to plant and they are the one veggie that all THREE of my boys will eat. "Green Candy", we call them. A lot of folks don't know what they are, and so at the farmer's market, we give out samples and the looks on people's faces when they taste that sweet yumminess is a real thrill. I just wish I could grow them all summer!

Sugar Snap Peas

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wildflower Meadows – How to Grow a Wildflower Meadow

Wildflower Meadows – How to Grow a Wildflower Meadow

The new farm we are moving to has a HUGE yard between the house and the road. I have zero desire to mow or maintain it, so this year, we will be planting a wildflower meadow. Click the link above to learn why a wildflower meadow is the most environmentally green, cost-effective, low maintenance way to landscape your yard.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Garden Kneelers – How Choose and Buy a Garden Kneeler

This year, we had to purchase a new garden kneeler since the previous one was (ahem) left out in the rain, snow and other inclement weather. It got a bit beat up, but we absolutely needed a new one. Getting up and down from a garden kneeler pad can be really difficult, but the garden kneelers we prefer are bench style and flip over to become a seat. They are super easy to get up and down with and I can't imagine working in the garden without mine.

Garden Kneelers – How Choose and Buy a Garden Kneeler